Before Cargo Delivery, Crew Keeps Busy with Lab Work, Plumbing, and Ultrasounds.

Before Cargo Delivery, Crew Keeps Busy with Lab Work, Plumbing, and Ultrasounds.

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What are the Crew’s Activities to Prepare for Cargo Delivery?

Lab Preparation

To deliver cargo to space stations, astronauts and ground crew must prepare the lab. This involves setting up experiments and ensuring that all lab equipment is functioning properly. This step is crucial to the mission’s success as a malfunctioning lab could lead to faulty results and a waste of valuable resources.

Plumbing Maintenance

Proper maintenance of the space station’s plumbing system ensures that water and waste are efficiently transported and properly disposed of. Regular routine checks are necessary to guarantee that the plumbing is not clogged or damaged, which can compromise the safety and wellbeing of the crew.

Ultrasound Scanning

Before any cargo is delivered, a comprehensive ultrasound scan is carried out on the equipment to guarantee that it is functioning properly. Ultrasound scans are non-invasive procedures that examine the inner components of equipment such as rocket engines and storage pods. This helps the team to identify any potential equipment failures before they occur, thereby mitigating the risks associated with delivering faulty equipment to the space station.


As the space industry continues to grow, it is essential that we invest in the proper preparation and maintenance of space stations. The lab, plumbing, and ultrasound scanning procedures outlined above are just a few examples of how astronauts and ground crew work together to ensure the safety and success of these space missions. By prioritizing proper preparation and maintenance, we can continue to push the boundaries of space exploration and research.

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