Bear caught on camera opening front door of Colorado residence by homeowner

Bear caught on camera opening front door of Colorado residence by homeowner

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Are there laws or regulations in place to protect Colorado homeowners from large wildlife entering their homes?

Colorado Homeowner Captures Video of Bear Opening Front Door


Colorado is known for its wildlife, including black bears. However, one Colorado homeowner got a little too close to a black bear in an unexpected way. In a video she captured, the bear is seen opening her front door.

The Incident:

On a seemingly normal day, the homeowner heard some strange noises coming from the front of her house. Upon investigating, she found a black bear trying to push her door open. She quickly grabbed her phone and began filming.

In the video, the bear can be seen using its weight to push against the door repeatedly, eventually sliding the latch up and opening the door. The homeowner can be heard in the background, amazed and scared, asking “what do I do?”

The Importance of Bear Safety:

While the video is awe-inspiring, it’s also important to remember to stay safe around black bears. These animals are known to enter homes in search of food, and encounters with them can be dangerous.

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Department recommends that homeowners keep all doors and windows securely closed and locked, keep garbage inside until trash day, and lock up any attractants such as pet food or bird feeders.

The Impact:

The video has gone viral, with people around the world watching in amazement as the bear opens the door. However, it serves as a reminder that we are living in bear country and must take precautions to keep both ourselves and the wildlife safe.

If you do come across a bear in your neighborhood or on a hike, the Parks and Wildlife Department offers several recommendations. Do not approach the bear, make loud noises, or try to feed it. Instead, slowly back away from the bear and give it space to move on.


The video of a black bear opening a Colorado homeowner’s front door is a reminder of the importance of bear safety. While it’s exciting to see wildlife up close, it’s always important to remember to respect their space and keep ourselves safe. Remember, it’s up to us to prevent conflicts with wildlife by securing our homes and being aware of our surroundings in bear country.

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