Automakers embrace hybrid vehicles amidst the shift towards EVs

Automakers embrace hybrid vehicles amidst the shift towards EVs

2023 Prius Prime‌ on display, April 6, 2023.

Scott ​Mlyn⁢ | CNBC

DETROIT — As ​sales ⁣of all-electric vehicles grow more slowly than expected, major⁢ automakers‍ are ⁢increasingly meeting their customers⁢ in the‍ middle.

More ‌and more companies are reconsidering the viability of hybrid cars⁤ and trucks to appease consumer demand​ and avoid costly​ penalties ‌related⁣ to‍ federal fuel economy and ⁤emissions standards.

The​ shifting strategies run counterintuitively to industrywide EV​ messaging of recent years. Many auto companies ⁣have begun to invest billions ‌of dollars in‍ all-electric vehicles, and the Biden administration has made a push to get more EVs on⁣ U.S. roadways as quickly‌ as possible.

But hybrid vehicles — those​ with traditional internal combustion engines combined with⁤ EV battery technologies — could help the⁢ automotive industry‌ lower ⁤fuel consumption‌ and ⁤emissions in the short-term, while easing consumers ‌into ‍vehicle electrification.

Sales of traditional hybrid electric vehicles, or…

2023-12-08 ​17:14:25
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