Astronauts’ Light Duty Day Involves Cardiac Study and Robotics Work.

Astronauts’ Light Duty Day Involves Cardiac Study and Robotics Work.

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How does the cardiac study relate to the robotic work and light duty day for astronauts?


Being an astronaut is one of the most adventurous and demanding careers. They are the ones who make the impossible possible, by going beyond the earth’s atmosphere, and conducting research in space. In this article, we will discuss the cardiac study, robotics work, and the light-duty day for the astronauts.

Cardiac Study

Astronauts are subjected to various physical and psychological stressors while in space. These stressors can impact the cardiovascular system of the astronauts. To understand how these stressors affect the cardiovascular system of the astronauts, NASA is conducting a cardiac study. This study involves monitoring the astronauts’ heart rate, blood pressure, and ECG while in space. The data collected from the study will help NASA to create better countermeasures to protect the astronauts from any cardiovascular issues.

Robotics Work

Spacecraft and space stations require constant maintenance, and these maintenance activities require a significant amount of work. To make these activities easier, NASA has developed various robotic systems that can handle these tasks. The robotics work involves the deployment of robots from Earth, which can perform tasks such as inspection, maintenance, and repairs of the spacecraft and space station. The usage of these robotic systems ensures the safety of the astronauts, as they do not have to perform dangerous and time-consuming tasks on their own.

Light Duty Day

Like any other profession, astronauts also require breaks from their intense work schedules. To ensure that the astronauts receive adequate rest, NASA has designated a light-duty day. During the light-duty day, astronauts can relax and engage in light activities such as reading, watching movies, and enjoying the view of space. This day provides the necessary mental and physical relaxation to the astronauts, which helps them to perform their tasks better in the future.


Astronauts are the pioneers of space exploration, and their work has opened the doors to new discoveries and possibilities. The cardiac study, robotics work, and light-duty day are some of the many activities that astronauts undertake in space. These activities not only ensure the safety and wellbeing of the astronauts but also help NASA to make advancements in space exploration.

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