Armenia’s Proposed Revisions to History Textbook Spark Controversy with Russia over Interpretation of 18th and 19th Century Events

Armenia’s Proposed Revisions to History Textbook Spark Controversy with Russia over Interpretation of 18th and 19th Century Events

According to‌ TASS, the authors of the ⁣eighth-grade history​ textbook in Armenia are planning to revise the chapter on the “Violent Annexation of Eastern Armenia to Russia” following⁤ recent criticism.

The Russian Foreign‍ Ministry raised ‌concerns about how the Russo-Persian War of 1826-1828 and the Treaty of Turkmenchay were portrayed in the controversial​ textbook. The treaty transferred territories from Qajar Iran to the Russian Empire, including Erivan and Nakhichevan khanates in historical⁣ Eastern Armenia.

In a move⁢ towards emphasizing statehood, Armenia renamed the subject “History of the Armenian​ People” to “History of Armenia” in July 2024. Minister Zhanna Andreasyan highlighted that this change aims to provide a more accurate reflection of historical events leading to​ statehood loss.

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