Anti-hate group faces lawsuit from Elon Musk’s X Corp for research findings

Anti-hate group faces lawsuit from Elon Musk’s X Corp for research findings

According to ‌Bloomberg, X​ Corp (aka ⁣Twitter) ‍has filed a lawsuit against⁤ The Center ⁢for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) ​after threatening to do so. The‌ lawsuit alleges that the anti-hate​ group is illegally “scraping” its ​servers and⁤ selectively choosing ⁣hateful posts as part⁤ of a campaign to scare away advertisers. X Corp is corp-for-research-findings.html” title=”Anti-hate group faces lawsuit from Elon Musk's X Corp for research findings”>seeking ‌unspecified monetary damages and an injunction to ‍prevent the CCDH from accessing its data.‍ The lawsuit was filed in⁣ San Francisco federal court.

In June, the CCDH published‍ a ‌research article⁢ claiming that X Corp ‍allowed explicitly racist and homophobic posts despite having policies against them, even after they were⁤ reported. ​X Corp responded by criticizing the CCDH’s methodology‍ and‌ stating that the Center failed to analyze all⁣ 500 million posts on the platform each day.‍ Additionally, X Corp accused​ the CCDH of having an “ulterior agenda”⁢ and receiving funding from⁣ competitors or foreign governments, as reported by The New York Times.

In a recent blog post titled “Protecting the…

2023-08-01 01:01:56
Post from rnrn

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