An asteroid that could destroy a city will fly by Earth within the moon’s orbit.

An asteroid that could destroy a city will fly by Earth within the moon’s orbit.

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How close of an approach will the “city killer” asteroid make to Earth?

An asteroid, which has been dubbed as a ‘city killer’, is set to pass between the Earth and the Moon’s orbit on Thursday, June 6th, 2024. Fortunately, the asteroid, known as 99942 Apophis, is not expected to collide with the Earth, however, it is still a cause for concern. The asteroid is estimated to be around 300 meters wide, which is roughly the size of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. If it were to collide with the Earth, it could cause significant damage and destruction, hence why it has been dubbed as a ‘city killer’.

The Threat of Apophis

The asteroid was discovered in 2004 by scientists at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona. Apophis has been closely monitored ever since as it has a slight chance of colliding with the Earth in the future. Its close approach in 2024 will give scientists a better understanding of its orbit and allow them to update the asteroid’s trajectory for future predictions. While there is no immediate threat, it is important that we monitor the asteroid to rule out any possibility of a collision in the future.

Preparing for the Unknown

While we cannot predict the future, we can take steps to prepare for any eventuality. The 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor impact in Russia was a wake-up call for the world, as the explosion caused widespread damage and injury. It is estimated that the asteroid that caused the explosion was only around 20 meters wide, significantly smaller than Apophis. It is important that we continue to invest in research and technology to detect and monitor asteroids and develop plans for efficient evacuation and disaster management should a collision occur.


The passing of Apophis in 2024 is a reminder that we are constantly threatened by the unknown. While we cannot predict what may happen, we can take steps to minimize the threat and prepare for any eventuality. By investing in research and technology, we can better understand and prepare for potential asteroid impacts, and ensure the safety and security of our planet and its inhabitants.

It is our responsibility to monitor and prepare for any potential threats posed by asteroids, to ensure the safety and security of our planet and its inhabitants.

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