Alternative Perspectives on Mathematics Revealed through Non-Western Art and Design

Alternative Perspectives on Mathematics Revealed through Non-Western Art and Design

“Help me and let ​me help you.” Or in Ghana’s ‍Twi​ language: “Boa me na me mmoa wo.”
The symbol intrigues ​ethno-computing expert‍ Ron Eglash. “There is no ‌math concept in ⁣Europe for ‘complete me,'” says Eglash, of the University of Michigan‍ in Ann Arbor.
Contemporary ⁣math has mostly Western origins, so ​ideas from⁣ non-Western cultures are often missing from the⁢ field, say Eglash and‍ others who mathematics-revealed-through-non-western-art-and-design.html” title=”Alternative Perspectives on Mathematics Revealed through Non-Western Art and Design”>study ethno-mathematics, or the relationship ⁤between math and culture.
“It ⁤is useful to ‍think of mathematics as ​a language,” says physicist Richard Taylor ⁢of⁣ the University ‍of⁢ Oregon in ⁣Eugene. Some words and ​concepts will overlap across cultures but look different, while others will remain unique.

2023-10-06 08:00:00 ‌
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