According to Specific Wall Street Analysts, Consider Investing in 2 AI Stocks Expected to Surge 41% and 111% by 2024

According to Specific Wall Street Analysts, Consider Investing in 2 AI Stocks Expected to Surge 41% and 111% by 2024

Data ⁢centers are physical locations where companies⁤ keep computing infrastructure like servers, ⁣network equipment, and data storage solutions. They come in different shapes and ‌sizes, but cloud data centers have become particularly popular over the last decade.⁢ Cloud computing allows businesses to provision⁢ hardware and software services instantly, without spending a ​lot of money upfront.

Countless companies have capitalized ⁤on ⁣that IT reshuffling,​ but‍ few have benefited‌ more than Nvidia​ (NASDAQ:⁤ NVDA) ⁤and ⁣Amazon ⁤(NASDAQ: AMZN).‌ Nvidia chips⁢ have become⁣ key data center accelerators for workloads⁢ like artificial intelligence (AI), and ‍Amazon ⁣is the largest provider of cloud infrastructure and platform⁤ services. Critical positioning in a ‍booming industry drove both stocks higher. Nvidia returned 12,800% during the last decade and Amazon returned 630%.

That substantial price⁢ appreciation⁣ led both​ companies ⁢to split​ their stocks‍ somewhat recently:

Certain Wall Street analysts see big…

2024-01-13 13:57:00
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