According to a study, it is possible that the T. rex had large, scaly lips.

According to a study, it is possible that the T. rex had large, scaly lips.

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How do scientists know what T. rex lips may have looked like?


The Tyrannosaurus rex is known for its sharp teeth and powerful jaws, but what about its lips? A recent study suggests that T. rex may have had scaly lips instead of the fleshy ones seen in living animals.

The Study

The study analyzed fossilized T. rex skin impressions and found that the impressions left by the dinosaur’s lips were more similar to the scaly skin of modern-day reptiles and birds than the smooth and pliable skin of mammals.


This finding challenges the popular image of T. rex with fleshy, pink lips seen in movies and illustrations. Instead, the dinosaur might have had lips more like those of a crocodile or a bird of prey.


The discovery of scaly lips in T. rex has important implications for our understanding of dinosaur behavior and evolution. It could mean that the dinosaur had a different way of feeding than previously thought.


In conclusion, the new study suggests that T. rex may have had scaly lips instead of the fleshy ones commonly depicted. This finding could change our understanding of the dinosaur’s appearance and behavior and open up new avenues for further research.

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