A Troubled Mother Faces Murder Charges in Her Young Children’s Deaths

A Troubled Mother Faces Murder Charges in Her Young Children’s Deaths

mental health

A Troubled Mother Faces Murder Charges in Her Young Children’s Deaths

A mother from Chicago is facing murder charges after her children, aged 7 and 10, were found dead in her home. The mother, Xyleena Cortez, has been in and out of mental health facilities over the last 3 years and had been struggling with bipolar disorder.

The Disheartening Incident

On the night of December 3rd, police were dispatched to Cortez’s home after neighbors heard her screaming. When they arrived, they discovered the bodies of her children and Cortez was taken into custody.

Witness Accounts and Evidence

Witness accounts revealed that Cortez had become increasingly delusional prior to the incident, believing people were coming for her and her children to cause them harm. Evidence collected at the scene pointed to a clear pattern of her premeditation, including materials to fashion a noose.

Cortez’s Struggle with Mental Illness

Cortez’s struggle with mental health affected every aspect of her life. She had been in and out of mental health facilities over the last three years and had been receiving therapy during this time.

Cortez’s friends and family had noticed a decline in her mental health in the months leading up to the incident and had attempted to help her by offering support and assistance. Unfortunately, these attempts were not enough to prevent the tragic event from occurring.

A Troubling Conclusion

Cortez is now facing serious criminal charges including two counts of first-degree murder, two counts of second-degree murder, and one count of aggravated battery.

It is unclear how Cortez’s mental health issues will be addressed during her trial. Despite the heartbreaking reality of the situation, it is important to remember that mental health should not be overlooked or ignored.


The death of Cortez’s children serves as a tragic example of the consequences of mental illness, and the importance of seeking appropriate treatment.

Though this horrific tragedy is a reminder of the need for greater access to mental health services, we should also take a moment to remember the lives of Cortez’s children and the difficult situation their mother is currently facing.

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