A special lullaby is being played for Syrian children affected by war to help them sleep and cope with trauma.

A special lullaby is being played for Syrian children affected by war to help them sleep and cope with trauma.

Editor’s Note: A version of this story appears in today’s Meanwhile in the Middle East newsletter, CNN’s three-times-a-week look inside the region’s biggest stories. Sign up here.

Dubai, UAE

Syrian radio stations are broadcasting a new kind of lullaby every evening to help traumatized children across the country fall asleep.

The Frequencies of Peace lullaby project is the work of neuroscientists and music therapy application Spiritune aimed at Syrian children.

Ghaliaa Chaker, a Syrian singer based in Dubai, wrote and recorded the lullaby in Arabic. The 24-year-old was used to writing songs, but never a lullaby. She says the subject pulled her in.

“Writing a lullaby never crossed my mind. But the thing that influenced me was the topic. To be able to help Syrian kids and refugees,” Chaker told CNN.

The initiative combines music…

2023-03-31 08:49:40
Link from www.cnn.com

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