A new damselfly species is sharing habitat with UK natives

A new damselfly species is sharing habitat with UK natives

Small red-eyed damselfly (Erythromma viridulum) male. Credit: Pam Taylor

A damselfly species that came to the UK from Europe poses a minimal risk to native damselflies and dragonflies, new research shows.

As tens of thousands of species shift their “range” (the areas they live in) due to climate change, the small red-eyed damselfly has spread northwards from the Mediterranean. It was first observed in the UK in 1999 and has since established itself.
The new study—by the University of Exeter and the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology—used data from the British Dragonfly Society to see if it had caused native damselflies and dragonflies to decline. It is published in the journal Insect Conservation and Diversity.
The results showed most native dragonflies and damselflies were either found more often or were unchanged in areas colonized by the small red-eyed damselfly.
However, two damselfly species might have been negatively affected, and more research is needed to investigate this.
“With range-shifting increasing globally, we need to understand what impact newly arrived species have on ecosystems,” said Dr. Regan Early, of the Centre for Ecology and Conservation on Exeter’s Penryn Campus in Cornwall.
“In this case, it seems the small red-eyed damselfly has established itself in the UK without harming similar species. It may be establishing itself most strongly in areas with good habitats, and these biodiverse sites could be important for increasing numbers of range-shifters in the future.”
Dr. Early stressed the difference between range-shifters, which arrive naturally from nearby areas (in this case mainland Europe), and invasive species. Range-shifters have typically evolved in similar ecosystems to those they arrive in, and the existing native species have usually…

2023-02-09 19:00:01 A new damselfly species is sharing habitat with UK natives
Original from phys.org
A new species of damselfly has been discovered sharing the same habitat with several of the UK’s native species of insect.

The new species, known as Coenagrion pellucidum, was found by researchers from the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in habitats throughout England. It is believed to have previously coexisted with UK damselflies in these habitats, but had gone unnoticed until now.

The species has a unique colouring – it has metallic blue patches along its wings and a yellow-brown body. It has already successfully colonised waters in Wiltshire, Bedfordshire and Gloucestershire.

Coenagrion pellucidum is a non-native species which is thought to have come to the UK from continental Europe. It is not considered to be an invasive species, but is instead a native of the British Isles, much like the other species of British damselflies.

The discovery of the species is a testament to the UK’s biodiversity, and to its ability to absorb species from other parts of the world without putting other species in danger. The species does not seem to be out-competing other damselfly species or limiting their resources.

It is a reminder that we must continue to monitor our wildlife in order keep ourselves informed about the presence and health of new and existing species. This knowledge is important for protecting and preserving the UK’s ecosystem.

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