A glimpse into the mathematical principles of black holes

It is widely accepted that black holes exist in our universe. Physicists have been able to detect the X-rays emitted when black holes feed, analyze the gravitational waves from black hole collisions, and even image two of these behemoths. Mathematicians, like those at ETH Zurich’s Institute for Theoretical Studies, seek to prove theorems about these solutions and otherwise probe the math of general relativity. Their goal is to unlock unsuspected truths about black holes or verify existing suspicions. Within general relativity, mathematicians can solve equations that have bearing on questions about the nature of black holes’ formation, evolution, and stability. Last year, in a paper posted online at arXiv.org, Giorgi and colleagues settled a long-standing mathematical question about black hole stability. A stable black hole, mathematically speaking, is one that if poked, nudged, or otherwise disturbed will eventually settle back into being a black hole. Like a rubber band that has been stretched and then released, the black hole doesn’t rip apart, explode, or cease to exist, but returns to something like its former self.

2023-03-23 06:00:00
Source from www.sciencenews.org

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