A Fresh Hypothesis on a Quantum Dot-Cavity System Subjected to Periodic Driving

A Fresh Hypothesis on a Quantum Dot-Cavity System Subjected to Periodic Driving

A ⁤team​ led‍ by Prof. Guo ​Guoping ‌and Prof.⁢ Cao Gang ‌from the ⁣University of Science and Technology of ⁣China (USTC) ⁢of the Chinese Academy of ‍Sciences (CAS), collaborating with Sigmund Kohler from Materials⁤ Science Institute⁣ of Madrid, ⁢have ​developed a⁤ response theory applicable to ⁢strongly‌ coupled‍ and multiqubit ⁣systems. Their ​study‌ was‍ published in⁣ Physical⁢ Review Letters.

Semiconductor⁣ quantum dots⁢ (QD) ​strongly coupled to microwave photons are key for investigating light-matter interactions. In​ previous studies,‌ the‌ team used a‍ cavity-system-subjected-to-periodic-driving.html” title=”A Fresh Hypothesis on a Quantum Dot-Cavity System Subjected to Periodic Driving”>high-impedance super-conducting resonant ‍cavity⁢ to implement ‌the strong coupling of⁣ the ​QD–cavity ⁢hybrid system. Based on this ‍strong coupling, ⁤the ​team ‌further‍ studied the‌ circuit⁤ quantum ⁢electrodynamics ‍(cQED) of the periodically‍ driven, strongly coupled hybrid​ system.

In this⁤ study, the researchers first‌ prepared‌ a ‌composite ‌device with‌ a⁢ high-impedance resonant cavity integrated with two ⁢double quantum ‍dots (DQD). By⁣ probing the microwave response ​signal of​ the DQD-cavity hybrid ‌system ⁤under periodic ⁣driving, they found that the ​existing theory for‌ dispersive cavity ⁣readout‍ fails ⁢due to the‍ enhancement ⁣of the ⁣coupling strength.

Therefore, ⁤the researchers ‍developed ⁣a new response theory⁤ that ‍treats‌ the ⁤cavity as a part of the driven ⁤system. ‍Using ‌this theory,⁣ they successfully simulated and⁤ interpreted the ⁢signals ⁢in the‍ experiment‌ and‍ further investigated the ⁣case of two-DQD-cavity ​hybrid system under‍ periodic driving.

This​ study ‌furthers ‌our⁤ understanding of periodically​ driven QD–cavity hybrid ⁢systems. In addition, ‍the theoretical‌ approach developed is not only ‌applicable to hybrid systems with different coupling‍ strength but also ‌can be‍ extended ‌to⁤ multiqubit systems.

2023-07-18 11:00:04
Post from phys.org rnrn

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