5 Questions About the Newsworthy Mystery Dog Illness

5 Questions About the Newsworthy Mystery Dog Illness

In recent weeks, claims about a mysterious respiratory illness sickening dogs across the ‍country⁤ have spooked pet owners.
Efforts to pin down a culprit ⁢have so far yielded ‌more questions ​than answers. That’s fed fears of a new⁣ contagion. When Michelle Hiskey’s dog Sheba fell⁢ ill, for instance, her friends‌ and family members blew up her phone with texts, concerned about what some on social media branded “COVID for⁣ dogs.” Hiskey, a freelance writer in Decatur, ‍Ga., is “not ‍generally a worrier,” but the horror stories she ‍heard did startle her,‍ she says.
Experts, including those⁢ who had previously sounded ​alarm bells, now say there’s most⁢ likely a simple explanation behind the cases. Here’s ‍what we know ⁤and what still ​remains unknown.
It’s ‍not unusual for dogs to‍ occasionally ​catch ‌kennel cough, a chest infection that manifests most clearly in a honking cough, runny nose and sneezing. ⁢But beginning in ‌late 2022 and surging the summer of 2023, more and more dogs⁣ seemed to be ⁤showing ⁣up⁤ to clinics, sicker than usual.

2023-12-15 14:50:56
Source from‍ www.sciencenews.org

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