2023: Unprecedented Heat Makes it the Hottest Year Ever

2023: Unprecedented Heat Makes it the Hottest Year Ever

This year didn’t just shatter records. It changed the scales.
“The margins by ⁤which records are being broken this year ‌have ⁢surprised⁣ not just me but [other climate scientists] that I trust, even my very unalarmist friends,”​ says Doug McNeall of the U.K. Met Office Hadley Centre ⁣in Exeter, England.
As of late November, months of sweltering global ⁤temperatures easily put 2023⁤ on track ​to‍ be Earth’s hottest⁤ year since record keeping began about 150 years‍ ago.⁣ The 12-month period from ‌November⁤ 2022 through ⁣October 2023 is officially the hottest such period⁣ on record — a record that’s likely to be broken in 2024, according to the ​nonprofit group Climate Central (SN: 11/9/23).
Extreme⁢ heat waves baked many regions, which in turn fueled​ catastrophic‍ wildfires. Ocean heat was off the charts, ⁢with global average sea⁤ surface‌ temperatures⁣ sustaining record highs for‌ much of ‍the year. And in the water surrounding ⁤Antarctica, sea ice reached new lows.

2023-12-06 10:00:00 ⁢
Link⁣ from www.sciencenews.org

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